Ihab Darwish, an Emirati composer, orchestrated the creation of the Emirati Musicians' Association, which he now presides over. He meticulously and skillfully handled the groundwork for the association, meeting with each of the 18 founding members, outlining the objectives and vision, completing all the necessary paperwork, and convincing a representative from the Department of Community Development in Abu Dhabi of the importance of the association's formation. He provided all five pieces of required documentation, and the association was granted a license.

The initial focus of the association is on applications from Emirati musicians who are at least 18 years old, and later on, the association will welcome residents. All UAE-based musicians with a passion for pursuing music as a career are invited to join, irrespective of the genre they perform. The association has a diverse membership base that includes rappers, classical and independent vocalists, instrumentalists, composers, and traditional Emirati musicians.

The Emirati Musicians' Association is a formally recognized association by the Department of Community Development, and the election of the President and Vice President is based on their accomplishments, experience, and contributions to the UAE's music industry, along with their strong international connections.

The association's objectives and initiatives are ambitious, and they are confident that they can make a difference. They aim to strengthen and empower the Emirati musician community through networking opportunities, professional dialogues, advocating for their rights and interests, and building a database of Emirati musicians in the UAE and abroad. They are also working towards establishing a music association website to represent its members.

Additionally, the association is focused on promoting professional business standards and ethical hiring procedures for Emirati musicians on a national and international level. They also plan to educate future generations of musicians and enhance the professional excellence of its members by providing educational opportunities, supporting younger generations to pursue various career paths within the UAE music industry, and advocating for the development of a national music education system.
The association is grateful to the UAE leadership for their trust in their vision and is eager to establish a musical legacy in the UAE.
Please follow EMA's journey on Instagram @emiratimusicians.