Singer-songwriter talks about her personal re-branding story leading up to her soon-to-be-released single 'Grave'

The harmonization of innovative outcomes, promotional assets, and targeted communication steers a distinct individuality.

This distinction assists creators in distinguishing themselves from several other contenders competing for the same limelight, even in the same genre. Potent, coherent branding crafts an unparalleled perception among viewers.

Singer-songwriter, pianist and vocal coach Elisa Astrid kept a distance from the passion she loves (longer than she expected), to find her true identity and brand as an artist. "And you know, I really wanted to refine who I am as a brand, as an artist and who my audience is," the vocal coach shares Musivv. Elisa found herself "just been a little in between" and not very set in stone about how she wants to be perceived. "And now I realized that my audience are people who want to feel better about themselves and understand their worth, because that's the journey that I've been on," she adds.

Elisa Astrid interviewed by Marcus at the CHAIR SESSIONS Live. Photo credits: Patrick de Leon.

There is no solitary strategy to fashioning a brand identity – it's an intricate course that demands a thorough exploration of one's persona as an artist to identify one's distinguishing traits, and then employing deliberate messaging and media curation to narrate that tale.

Her latest single encapsulates her message and new-found approach. "'Grave' is more about setting boundaries and knowing who you are and knowing your worth," Elisa reveals. At its core, the tune delves into a romantic liaison wherein one party does not overtly disclose everything, including the veracity of their words. "And so you find out a lot of lies along the way. And so then you start asking yourself whether it's worth it being with someone like that," she adds.

With a refreshing perspective, Elisa reflects on the pressure to conform to a more commercial sound and how she ultimately found her artistic path.

Elisa candidly shares her realization that attempting to pursue a more mainstream, commercial direction wasn't aligned with her authentic self. Drawing inspiration from artists like Banks, known for their dark R&B pop sound, Elisa expresses her love for heavy senses, backing vocals, and intricate harmonies. She questions why she ever tried to be someone she wasn't, recognizing the importance of staying true to herself when she takes the stage.

In this insightful conversation, Elisa emphasizes the fluidity of an artist's journey, highlighting the freedom to evolve and explore new directions without being confined to a rigid identity. She recognizes that growth and change are constant companions in the artistic realm, allowing artists to continually redefine themselves and their art.

Elisa also delves into the topic of femininity, acknowledging that it was not something she felt comfortable speaking about earlier in her career. As a woman, she explains how the understanding of her femininity came later in life compared to men, leading her to explore and appreciate its significance. Embracing her feminine energy has allowed her to find balance, easing the self-imposed pressure and criticism that often accompanies a masculine energy-driven mindset.

In the end, Elisa's journey serves as a testament to the power of authenticity and self-acceptance. By rejecting societal expectations and embracing her true artistic inclinations, she has embarked on a path that resonates deeply with her. Her willingness to explore new sounds, delve into themes of femininity, and break free from the constraints of a preconceived identity is not only inspiring but also a testament to the growth and evolution of an artist.

As Elisa concludes, her rebranding journey is far from complete. She acknowledges that artists have the freedom to continually shift and redefine themselves, embracing the ever-changing nature of their creative expression. With this newfound clarity, Elisa stands as a shining example of an artist unafraid to embark on a journey of self-discovery and artistic reinvention.

Special thanks to: Cristina, Cre8tiv Entertainment

HOMEGROWN is musivv’s segment dedicated to featuring UAE-based artists. Features under this segment are eligible for a nomination under this category in the Musivv Awards’ annual recognition.

May 11, 2023

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